Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bailey Sew Control

Bailey Quilting Machine offers a Stitch Regulator as an additional option to their machines. They have prepared instruction below to assist you in your installation.

The Bailey yahoo site address is :
This site can be accessed when signed into your Yahoo email and once you have requested membership
In the photo file on the above site, individuals have posted 1)photos of how their stitch regulator is attached to different frames. Not to be forgotten is the message/conversation portion where hints and tips are logged and responded to.

Lea from PodunkPretties offers some advice in her experience of operating the stitch regulator I was recently contacted privately about stitch length consistency when using the SR. I had to go to my machine to see just how I go about it because it's just become habit for me and I don't really pay attention to how I maintain consistency. As everyone here knows there's a learning curve to the SR. Lightening response isn't the Bailey SR. So here's my best explanation. Now most of the time my SR is set up to its slowest speed, I feel like there's more control at this speed. And my stitch length is around 8 o'clock on the dial. Its like excelerating in a car. Slowly apply the gas until you reach 60 mph. If you step on the gas you're going to leave rubber on the road, with the bailey you'll leave long stitches. Start moving slowly, not to slow or your stitches will pile up (like cars behind a 90 yr old sunday driver) due to the fact that the Bailey never completely stops. Gradually increase your speed, and just like with driving, slow down before getting to the stop sign or in our case the stopping point. I'll admit that I've also learned that I don't always need to slow down for the stop as long as I have my finger on the button and can shut it off one or two stitches before my stopping point and it continues stitch ending in just the right spot. For those of you with the wafer switch I'm sure you've mastered this technique. So there you go, driving lessons 101. I'd also like to say that I think there's some variations to each SR, so play around with different techniques to see what works best for you. There's loads of advice here on the forum, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's not right. Also oiling the bearing behind the bobbin housing often helps the SR to work better because it reduces the amount resistance on the machine. I do this between each quilt only because I quilt most quilts to death. Sometimes I do it in the middle of quilt if I notice a lag in my machine. Please visit the yahoo Bailey site to gain more insite into stitch regulators and is it something you would like

1 comment:

  1. I couldnot figure out how to mount these thanks for the info will try it--NJ
