Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Trapunto, Italian for " embroider" is often referred to as " stuffed quilting " which encourages the surface to be raised in that area where the added batting appears.

Before you start to review these videos you might be here for awhile, so grab your coffee and snoop and watch as much of them as you would like

This video is about 10 minutes however I think that the first two will give you the impression of what the contributor is showing us. Basically it is a large area that is " double stuffed" and then stitched. Notice the use of the microhandles.If you want to fast forward on this videos take your mouse and drag the red line under the video and it will advance

Shadow Trapunto is another technique that is grabbing attention

What is shadow trapunto? Unlike a usual quilt, a shadow trapunto quilt has two additional layers the top layer is organza and under it there are white motifs made of batting. I looked high and low for examples of this technique and this was the one that I found was the most comprehensive.

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